You are trying to use the Update Readiness Tool (aka URT) and are trying to follow the command prompts as given in the help topic:
Running the Update Readiness Tool at the Command Line (
When coming to the "target_version" section, you are prompted to provide the version of DLP to which you wish to upgrade:
Please enter the DLP version you are upgrading to. Use the format vv.u (for example, 15.8):
But when entering the "upgrade target version" the tool does not appear to accept the version as given, and keeps re-prompting for the version.
For example, for a planned upgrade to 16.0 RU2, you've tried "16.0.2", "16.0_RU2" - but the tool keeps returning that same prompt.
Release : 15.8 MP3 - 16.0 RU2
The URT is specifically coded to accept only limited inputs for the versions.
Find the following file in your version of the URT:, and open it in a text editor.
The "target.enforce.version" field presents the options you can use in this particular version. For example, in the latest URT (as of May 2024, for upgrading to 16.0 RU2), these are the options:
<!-- Copyright (c) 2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. -->
target.enforce.version = 15.8 or 16.0 or 16.0RU or 16.0RU2
prechecker.tool.version = May 2024
Thus, to query the Database for suitability of upgrading to 16.0 Release Update 2, enter "16.0RU2" and the URT will then run as expected.
It's always recommended to use the latest published URT, available on the Software Portal.