How to set UMA Clusterinfo log in debug ?
On Kubernetes:
kubectl logs <clusterinfo-podname> -n <UMA namespace>
Set logs to DEBUG
- Find out ClusterInfo pod (kubectl get po -A | grep clusterinfo)
- Log into the ClusterInfo pod (kubectl -n <ns> exec -it <pod> -- bash)
- Check and verify log file (clusterinfo.log) exists under either /tmp/clusterinfo/logs or /usr/local/openshift/apmia/logs
- If log file doesn't exist either locations, open logback.xml under either /usr/local/openshift or /usr/local/openshift/apmia/core/config and check: <variable scope="local" name="logfiledir" value="${logfiledir:-/tmp/clusterinfo/logs}" />
- To turn on DEBUG for logfile/console, find and change this line in logback.xml: <variable scope="local" name="logfile_log_level" value="${logfile_log_level:-INFO}" /> <variable scope="local" name="console_log_level" value="${console_log_level:-ERROR}" />
- Alternatively, if pod restart is allowed and required, to turn on DEBUG surviving pod restart, you can also edit the clusterinfo Deployment or yaml file to add corresponding java option: -Dlogfile_log_level=DEBUG -Dconsole_log_level=DEBUG
- Exit pod and copy the log file out of the pod (kubectl -n <ns> cp <pod>:<log file> clusterinfo.log