Use case:
Policy Server has Dynatrace integrated in the JVMOptions.txt and was working fine.
Policy Server started to crash right after loading JVMOptions.txt without giving much information why.
Release : 12.8.x
JVMOptions.txt file is loading the javaagent.jar as below which is invalid filepath.
One troubleshooting methodology in case when customer code or 3rdparty code is involved, is to comment out 1 3rdparty component at a time to identify which one is causing problem.
Once dynatrace configuration was commented out in the JVMOptions.txt file the Policy Server stopped crashing so it was isolated to Dynatrace.
Reviewing the dynatrace configurations it was found the javaagent.jar is actually located in "/opt/appdynamics/javaagent.jar"
Updated the "-javaagent:/opt/appdynamics/javaagent.jar" in the JVMOptions.txt and the Policy Server no longer crashes.