How to test JCLCheck?
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How to test JCLCheck?


Article ID: 274134


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JCLCheck Workload Automation


How to verify JCLCheck functionality after an installation? 



To test the basic functions of JCLCheck: 

1. The EDCHEK function

    •    Edit a JCL member then execute command !JCK.  This invokes program macro JCK from the JCLCheck loadlib.
    •    Edit a JCL member then execute Clist %EJCK.  This Clist is from the JCLCheck CAZ2CLS0 library.   


    •   Configure JCLCheck for ISPF support (i.e., allocate JCLCheck libraries to your ISPF session).

  Reference:  Install ISPF Support

    •   APF-authorize the JCLCheck modules/loadlib.
    •   Establish JCLCheck as APF Authorized in TSO.

 Reference: Establish JCLCheck as APF Authorized in TSO

    •  Create and allocate a JCLCheck runtime options file EDCHKDD to be used by  !JCK and %EJCK.

 Reference:  EDCHEK Options

2. The JCLCheck ISPF panel interface:   Execute command TSO JCKSPF to display the  JCLCheck SPF Menu (panelid JCK0200).  Run option 1, and 3 to verify the JCLCheck Foreground, and Batch Submit functions. 


    • Edit Clist JCKUSR, and change the following:
              -  From SET &JCLOAD = &STR(CAI.CAZ2LOAD) to SET &JCLOAD = &STR() 
              -  From SET &GTLOAD = &STR(CAI.CD51LOAD) to SET &GTLOAD = &STR()
                 This change assumes that the JCLCheck loadlib is in the linklist.
                 -  From SET &AUTOP = N to  SET &AUTOP = Y
                    This enables the AUTOPROC feature which is recommended.   
    • Edit skeleton member JCKSKEL from the CAZ2SKL0 library, and comment out the JCHKPLIB DD statements.  JCHKPLIB DD is not needed when AUTOPROC is enabled. 
    • Set up Job Card for JCLCheck Batch Submit: select option 0 - Option Specifications,  then  5 - Job Card Specification.  

3. The AUTOPROC feature:  Run the above JCLCheck functions against a JCL member that executes procedures.  Autoproc reads the system proclibs and resolves the procedures.