Unable to view Site Links on the 'Site Links' portlet after upgrade to 16.1.3
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Unable to view Site Links on the 'Site Links' portlet after upgrade to 16.1.3


Article ID: 274119


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


After upgrading to 16.1.3, Site Links no longer display on the Classic 'Overview' portlet page of the Classic UI. Any newly created Site Links do not work either.


1. In Classic UI go to Administration then "Site Links"
2. Create a new Site Link
3. Go to the General Overview page, under the "Site Links" section it will be blank

Expected Results: Site Links should display. 

Actual Results: Site Links Missing. 



Release : 16.1.3


Defect Id: DE77674


The resolution to this issue is included in 16.2.0 and

As a workaround, create and use an HTML portlet using the query below;

SELECT  prID, prName as label, prURL as url
                         FROM    PRLink
                         WHERE   prTableName IN ('PRSite','PRSITE')
                        order by prname


An example of the steps are as follows:

  1. Create an NSQL Query

    1. Go to “Administration”, then “Queries” and create New
    2. On General ensure “Available for User Portlets” is checked. Content Source “Customer”. Category leave blank.
    3. For NSQL use:





FROM    PRLink l

WHERE   l.prTableName IN ('PRSite','PRSITE')



  1. Create Portlet

    1. Go to “Administration”, then “Portlets” select “New” and “Grid Portlet”
    2. For Category use “Collaboration”. For “Instance Type” use General. For “Data Provider” use the Query created in Step 1. Click “Next”.
    3. Click “Finish and Open”
    4. Click “List Column Section” and “Layout”. Move “id” to the left side and move “label” and “url” to the right side. Change the column sorting value if desired. Click “Save and Return”.



  1. Add to Portlet Page

    1. Go to “Adminstration”, then “Portlet Pages”. Search for “Overview”.
    2. Click “Tabs”. Click “General”.
    3. Go to “Content” and click “Add”. Add the Portlet created on Step 2.



Anybody using the default Portlet Page will see the new portlet, any user who made changes will either have to add it manually, or use the “Restore Defaults” option.