Start up and shutdown scripts for agents on a Linux server
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Start up and shutdown scripts for agents on a Linux server


Article ID: 274091


Updated On:


CA Harvest Software Change Manager


We would like to have the startup and shutdown scripts for the SCM Agents on the Redhat Linux server


Release : 14.x


Here are examples of scripts that can be used for start up and shutdown of the SCM Agent on a Linux platform.  

cat / 
# description: Starts the CA SCM agent process
# Assumes this will be executed by the "root" user account
# so that the agent will run in multi-user mode and that
# the "root" user does not have the environment variables
# for CA Harvest SCM already configured.

# Configure the necessary environment variables
source /home/cascm/set_

# Start the SCM Harvest agent

# Check to assure the process has started
ps -ef | grep scm

# End of script

# description: Stops the CA SCM agent process
# Assumes this will be executed by the "root" user account
# so that the agent will run in multi-user mode and that
# the "root" user does not have the environment variables
# for CA Harvest SCM already configured.

# Configure the necessary environment variables
source /home/cascm/

# Stop the SCM Harvest agent
$CA_SCM_HOME/bin/agntd -shutdown

# Check to assure the process has stopped
ps -ef | grep agntd

# End of script

Additional Information

These scripts are offered as-is, as examples only, and cannot be custommized or supported by Broadcom Support.