Upgrade to Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) 9.1.0 or greater.
Hotfixes available:
SPE 8.2.2:
- Apply SPE_8.2.2_HF_05.zip (attached)
SPE 9.0.1:
- Apply SPE_9.0.1_HF_01.zip (attached)
Steps to implement the hotfix:
- Stop the Symantec Protection Engine service
- Navigate to the Symantec Protection Engine installation location
- Backup/Rename the original servers.jar file
- Replace servers.jar with the servers.jar contained within the hotfix zip archive associated with the installed version of SPE
- Ensure that permissions and ownership are identical to the original servers.jar
- Start the Symantec Protection Engine service
- Disable Web Console using below xmlmodifier command
xmlmodifier -s //configuration/Resources/System/EnableJavaUI/@value false configuration.xml