2 IGD10xI Messages per Transmission
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2 IGD10xI Messages per Transmission


Article ID: 274047


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XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


We use XCOM to transmit SMF Data from one LPAR to another for processing. It seems that each transmission causes 2 IGD10xI messages to be issued. (One at start of transmission and one at end of transmission.)

We are looking into triggering Batch Jobs via Control-M CMEM. I am testing a "rule" which picks up these 2 IGD messages. We want to deal with only 1 message per successfully completed XCOM transmission.

Is that possible?


Release : 12.0

XCOM Data Transport for z/OS


Unfortunately the answer to this question is no.

When XCOM allocates a dataset for a transfer, z/OS will issue an IGD100I, IGD101I, or IGD103I message depending on whether SMS is used and whether the file was created or already existed.

When XCOM de-allocate a dataset at the end of the transfer, it will issue an IGD104I message if the file was kept, or a IGD105I if the file was deleted. For a GDG, it will issue IGD107I saying that the new version was rolled in and a IGD108I is written when a dataset is cataloged.

Since this is how z/OS works we cannot control it and those messages are important to log what happens to a dataset. 

The bottom line is that you will need to pick which specific IGD10xI message to use to trigger the jobs.