Will Symantec Protection Engine scan a zero byte file?
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Will Symantec Protection Engine scan a zero byte file?


Article ID: 273989


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


The question is occasionally asked: Will Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) scan a zero byte file and, if so, what will the result be?


Release : 9.1, 9.2x


In version 9.1 and prior-- SPE will scan a zero byte file if it is passed in via a scan request.  However, when it detects that there is no content in the file it knows that there really isn't much to do and will return a "clean" verdict. 


Introduced in SPE 9.2 and later a feature was added into the REST API service to be configurable-- whether it will send a zero byte file to be scanned or reject it.

  • Add the following line to the application.properties file and set the value to either true or false depending on how zero byte files are to be handled.

  • Restart the RestAPI service


The application.properties file will be in one of the following locations depending on operating system

Linux:  /opt/SYMCScan/RestAPI

Windows:  "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\RestAPI"

Note: This setting only affects scan requests submitted via REST API calls, not standard ICAP.