Validations fail with:
AUDIT "2023-01-10 13:22:33.252 GMT-0400" x.x.x.x CITRIX_VPN:1816 0 12450 "text=Access DENIED Internal error. ,reason=101" Thread-6223 VSValidationEngine.c
INFO "2023-01-10 13:22:47.518 GMT-0400" CITRIX_VPN:1816 0 0 "text=Trying to fetch attribute from User Store No:- 1 whose storeName is CITRIX_VPN" Thread-6223 tokenbinding.cpp
User Store configuration issue: One or more of the user stores the Validation Server is pointing to does not allow an LDAP lookup.
Check and confirm each user store+user store connection(s) the validation server is pointing to by selecting the User Store, clicking edit next to the User Store connection, and clicking the test button. Repeat for each connection in the User Store and adjust the connection settings until the test is successful.