In Catalog the request is getting stuck when only one of the item in the cart needs manager approval.
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In Catalog the request is getting stuck when only one of the item in the cart needs manager approval.


Article ID: 273934


Updated On:


CA Service Catalog



The request gets stuck at Approved when 2 items are added where only one is needed approval.



1. Create the below set of users

     ex: emp1, emp2, and emp3 and set role as "Enduser role" and provide valid email id for these users.

2. Import Attached ERA's, Services, and Policies in the attached documents.

3. Configure the Email server to Catalog application

4. Enable Discrete Approval with the below configuration:

  •      Allow Discrete Handling for Reject: Yes
  •     Allow Discrete Handling of Service Options After: Submitted 
  •     Allow Discrete Request Life Cycle After: Completed



Login to application with Spadmin

Home >> Requests >> Select the below offerings as per the pre-requisites mentioned to create a request

1. Select the offering as "DE57765_2" and add it to the cart

2. Select the offering as " DE57765_3" and submit the request

3. Make sure that the Request status for each service option will be Pending Approval

4. From UI, Reject the first service option and save it. Now the request status will be:

The first service Option will be "Rejected" and the second One will be "Pending Approval" and approve that request with the admin user.

5. Connect to the Email server and log in with the user as "emp1" to approve the request via email for the second service option as a second-level approval.

6. Verify that the Email has been generated with details of Approve and Reject link

7. Click on the Approve link and verify the request status in the Catalog application

8. The first service Option will be "Rejected" and the second Service Option will be "Pending Approval" for the third-level approval

9. Connect to the Email server and log in with the user as "emp3" to approve the request via email for the second service option as a third-level approval.

10. Verify that the Email has been generated with details of Approve and Reject link

11. Upon approval of the request via email. Now the request status from UI will be:

In the Catalog application, the First service Option status should be "Rejected" and the Second service option status should be showing as"Approved >> Pending Fulfillment status



Login to the application as Spadmin

Home >> Requests >> Select the below offerings as per the pre-requisites mentioned to create a request

1. Select the offering as "DE57765" and add it to the cart

2. Select the offering as " DE57765_2" and submit a request

3. Upon creation of a request from spadmin user, now the request status will be:

4. The first service Option will be "Pending Approval" for next-level approval (i.e., emp1) and the second Service Option will be "Approval Done"

5. Approve the first service option with spadmin user and verify the request status in the catalog application

 The First service Option status should be "Pending Approval "for the next level approval (i.e., emp1) and the Second service option status should be showing as"Approval Done.

6. Connect to the Email server and log in with user as "emp1" to approve the request via email as a third-level approval

7. Verify that the Email has been generated with details of Approve and Reject link

8. Click on the Approve link and verify the request status in the Catalog application

8. Upon approval of the request via email. Now the request status from UI will be:

9. The First service Option status should be "Pending Approval "for the next level approval (i.e., emp2) and the Second service option status should be showing as"Approval Done.

10. Make sure that an Email notification will be sent to the second-level approval user (i.e., emp2)

11. Connect to the Email server and log in with the user as "emp2" to approve the request via email.

12. Verify that the Email has been generated with details of Approve and Reject link

13. Click on the Approve link and verify the request status in the Catalog application

In the Catalog application, the First service Option status should be "Pending Fulfillment" and the Second service option status should be showing as"Approved >> Pending Fulfillment status


USVCT 17.3


The fix is included in 17.4 RU2 and a point fix is provided for 17.3 RU23.