Locating deleted Rally work item with an Object ID
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Locating deleted Rally work item with an Object ID


Article ID: 273845


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Rally SaaS


This article describes a method to locate a deleted work item when you only have the item's object ID, as long as the item has not been purged from the recycle bin.


When an item is deleted, its presence is blocked by a RecycleBinEntry item.  We store a minimal amount of data related to the original record in this RecycleBinEntry record.  Fields that are stored are:

  • ItemOID: This is the original object ID of the work item
  • ID: This corresponds to the FormattedID of the work item
  • Name: This is what is contained in the Name field of the work item
  • Type: This contains the type of work item, such as Defect, HierarchicalRequirement, etc

While the original object ID is stored with the RecycleBinEntry record, it is not possible to query on this field.

Instead, a method to locate the record easier would be to use the CSV export record built into the API.  In the example below, you may update the Type.Name attribute to reflect other object types.

https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/recyclebinentry.csv?fetch=ItemOID,ID,Name,Type&query=(Type.Name = Defect)

This will output a CSV file which you can open in Excel to find the original object ID in the ItemOID field.  This will allow you to locate the Formatted ID of the item, which you can then use in a search in the Recycle Bin within the UI to find and undelete the record.