The Release Notes for Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) 14.3 RU7, under the heading "Symantec Endpoint Security cloud console", mention:
What's new for Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU7? (
You want to know how to get a SEP or Symantec Endpoint Security (SES) installation package to support Windows on ARM infrastructure.
Release : 14.3 RU7 and newer
ARM support is only for unmanaged (self-managed) or cloud-managed clients at this time. There is no support for managed endpoints for on-premises Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager.
The unmanaged package is available as part of the Full_Installation download of SEP:
For cloud-managed, you may choose the Windows ARM architecture when downloading the SES package:
OS Requirement:
Management Requirement:
All features are supported except the following: