When Assigning workorder in Librarian CCF, getting a CCF004AS programmer is not defined error message
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When Assigning workorder in Librarian CCF, getting a CCF004AS programmer is not defined error message


Article ID: 273786


Updated On: 05-21-2024


Librarian Librarian


A manager is attempting to Assign a workorder and getting error message CCF004AS programmer is not defined -

COMMAND ===>                                                                  
Pgmr not defined 

PF1 shows:

COMMAND ===>                                                                
CCF004AS: The specified programmer is not defined to LIB/CCF   


 If the ASSIGNMENT line is not displayed on the bottom of the CCF ASSIGN CHANGE REQUEST panel - $CCFPN02:

MGR COMMENT ===>          
ASSIGNMENT ===>           


Check the ISPF Settings and set the Terminal Characteristics   Screen format to MAX:

 Screen format   3  1. Data    2. Std     3. Max     4. Part