Endevor Bridge for Git map initialization is stuck at 99% for an Endevor inventory location that has only 1 element.
The mapping activity screen says that the 1 element was successfully retrieved about 4.5 hours ago but the Administration screen and the Git-Endevor Mappings screen both say the initialization is 99%.
Release : 18.0, 18.1, 19.0
Component : Bridge for Git 2.15.0
There is a process in the application that removes temp files older than 72 hours.
It is possible that the initialization took longer than expected and some of the temp files could have been deleted and it is unable to continue.
This has been improved from version 2.14.0 of Bridge for Git. Please install this version as soon as possible.
For now, please check the below setting and increase the age of the temp files being deleted, it can set in the app.yml :
enabled: true
file-retention-hours: 144
run-every-hours: 2
This will make the temp-files-removal process to delete files older than 144 hours, that would be enough time for the mapping to be initialized.