If there are hundred of deployments in validation Pending status, it could be complicated and taking time to delete them using GUI
Does exist another method to delete a lot of deployments in validation pending status ?
Release Automation - All Versions
Here is another method :
1- Execute following SQL Query to find all deployments in validation pending status :
This query returns the deployments which are in VALIDATION stage
And it gives in first column the url to delete it in JMX
Example :
This command opens google chrome with specified url. This url open JMX on localhost NAC with nolio/nolio user and removes the release id=24
START chrome "http://nolio:nolio@localhost:20203/invoke?operation=removeRelease&objectname=releasecenter%3Atype%3DInfo&value0=24&type0=long"
2- Check if the deployment name should be deleted and execute the chrome commands in a cmd prompt :
For example you could select 50 url lines and paste them in a cmd :
This will create a google chrome tab for every command line :
Do this with a group of 50 commands. Then close google chrome when all actions are executed and do again the steps with another group of 50.