How to delete a lot of deployments in validation pending state ?
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How to delete a lot of deployments in validation pending state ?


Article ID: 273694


Updated On:


CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio) CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio)


If there are hundred of deployments in validation Pending status, it could be complicated and taking time to delete them using GUI

Does exist another method to delete a lot of deployments in validation pending status ?


Release Automation - All Versions


Here is another method :

1- Execute following SQL Query to find all deployments in validation pending status :

Microsoft SQL Server :
select 'START chrome "http://nolio:nolio@localhost:20203/invoke?operation=removeRelease&objectname=releasecenter%3Atype%3DInfo&value0='+LTRIM(STR(id))+'&type0=long"', id, name from rc_releases where currentStage='VALIDATION'
select CONCAT('START chrome "http://nolio:nolio@localhost:20203/invoke?operation=removeRelease&objectname=releasecenter%3Atype%3DInfo&value0=',id,'&type0=long"'), id, name from rc_releases where currentStage='VALIDATION';
Remarks :
nolio:nolio is the user/password for JMX.
localhost : it is the name of NAC. It could be replaced by name of NAC
20203 : is the JMX port (default is 20203)

This query returns the deployments which are in VALIDATION stage
And it gives in first column the url to delete it in JMX

Example :
This command opens google chrome with specified url. This url open JMX on localhost NAC with nolio/nolio user and removes the release id=24

START chrome "http://nolio:nolio@localhost:20203/invoke?operation=removeRelease&objectname=releasecenter%3Atype%3DInfo&value0=24&type0=long"


2- Check if the deployment name should be deleted and execute the chrome commands in a cmd prompt :

For example you could select 50 url lines and paste them in a cmd :  

This will create a google chrome tab for every command line :

Do this with a group of 50 commands. Then close google chrome when all actions are executed and do again the steps with another group of 50.