In 16.1.3, Sections are missing from the Properties page in Blueprint
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In 16.1.3, Sections are missing from the Properties page in Blueprint


Article ID: 273688


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


In 16.1.3, Sections are missing from the Properties page in Blueprint

1. Login to 16.1.3 Clarity as an administrator
2. Navigate to MUX - Administration - Blueprints
3. Create a copy of the Standard Project BP
4. Open the new BP,Edit 
5. The last Section will be Settings
6. Remove all attributes from Settings section and retain only Banner Color
7. Create a new section and name it as SCHEDULE. This section should be the last one ie below Settings section
5. Drag a few attributes to the Schedule Section
6. Publish the new BP
7. Navigate to the Project List page and set any of the project's BP as the newly created BP
8. Click on the project and navigate to Properties tab

Expected: All sections including Settings and Schedule are visible
Actual: The last section (Schedule) is missing from the Properties page

Edit the BP and add any other attribute to the Settings section. It's safe to add a non secured attribute because if the logged in user doesn't have access to this newly added attribute, the same issue happens.

The above defect also happens when all the attributes in the section are Secured and logged in user doesn't have access to any of them. In this scenario as well, the sections below will disappear.


Release : 16.1.3




Resolved in 16.2.0 and