View Information about a Computer’s Maintenance Window
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View Information about a Computer’s Maintenance Window


Article ID: 273635


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IT Management Suite


The customer wants to determine if there is an active maintenance window on a particular computer to determine if an admin can execute a task on that computer now.


ITMS 8.6 RU3 and later


With our ITMS 8.6 RU3 and later, you can quickly and easily see whether a computer currently has an active maintenance window. For more information, see Viewing Information about a Computer’s Maintenance Window.

You can check under the "General" tab of the "Computers" view a "Maintenence Window" field.

The "Maintenance Window" field displays the following data about the selected client computer:
  • Not Defined: The client is not included in any target with an actively assigned maintenance window.
  • Not Active: The client is included in a target with an actively assigned maintenance window, but currently, the maintenance window is not active on that client. In other words, the task will not execute on the client until the maintenance window activates.
  • Active: The client is included in a target with an active, currently-running assigned maintenance window.
Information about activation and/or deactivation of a target with an active assigned maintenance window appears within a 3-5 minute delay.