When try to create a new Jaspersoft Ad-Hoc Domain against CA_PPM_BEAN Data Source, we get the below error message:
Error Message: The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience. Error Message Cannot get metadata for /ca_ppm/data_sources/CA_PPM_BEAN: Login failed for user 'niku'. ClientConnectionId:xxxx
Release : 16.1.3
Please run the below command when changes in the Clarity PPM environment are not synchronized with Jaspersoft.
admin jaspersoft syncPPMContext -userName superuser -password superuser
This command performs the following actions:
- Verifies properties like url and username if they are changed then it will not update user profile attributes
- If the ppmjasperadmin does not exist in Jaspersoft or Clarity it will create in both the systems
- If new keystore is generated in between then the profile attributes will be encrypted using new keystore.
- If profile attributes related to database properties changed then those profile attributes values will be updated
- If there are any additional profile needs to be added that will be added
- Updates the domain schema names for all OOTB domains
- If only database properties were changed, then updateJasperParameters should work.