Distribution ID field is disabled for all new users for Mode EXP - 14.0 Web Viewer
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Distribution ID field is disabled for all new users for Mode EXP - 14.0 Web Viewer


Article ID: 273630


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


When a new user of Web Viewer v14.0 signs on, they will not be able to input their assigned Distribution ID using Mode EXP.  The Distribution ID field is disabled by default? Setting up the new user on View database using DEF USER first is not a viable alternative.  Our current workaround is to have our new users change their Mode to ALL and leave their Logon ID’s as they are. 


Release : 14.0


The Web Viewer distribution id field comes from the Distid set in the View DEF USER screen.  Whether the box is set to edit or grayed out depends on the Distid Mask set in the View DEF USER screen.  Web Viewer will allow the distribution id to be set only if the Distid Mask includes a wildcard.  If the Distid Mask does not include a wildcard then the distribution id is fixed and the box is grayed out.

For a new user, View sets the Distid Mask and Distid to the users name and the access modes default to DEFMODE initialization parameter.  As the users name as the Distid Mask does not include wildcards the distribution id is fixed and the box is grayed out.

If you want View to use a different Distid Mask for new users then you will have to code a SARPRFUX user exit in View.

See SARPFUX - User Profile 

Bear in mind if you use the exit to set the Distid Mask to “*” then you are allowing the user to enter any distribution id they want.