TPX VSAM databases will need attention over a period of time, the frequency to be determined by individual sites.
The following preventive maintenance procedure is recommended to keep the TPX VSAM database (files) in healthy state.
See: Recommended procedure to REORG TPX VSAM ADMIN1/ADMIN2 databases
Recommended procedure to REORG TPX MAIL /NOTES /VIEW VSAM databases
This is a preventive maintenance procedure (i.e. REORG) that mitigates Control Area and Control Interval (CA and CI) splits and VSAM file corruption.
Please note that if the CA/CI splits are excessive even after a REORG has been done, increasing the FREESPCE parameter in the VSAM cluster DEFINE will help alleviate this problem.
Normally excessive CA/CI splits occur during a new install when performing a high volume 'ADD' activity to store information on the TPX VSAM files.
The FREESPCE parameter can be lowered once the high volume of activity has ended.
When you are performing a REORG of your TPX VSAM files, you should first review the DASD definitions and make sure the current definitions are adequate for the volume of data stored on each TPX VSAM file.
If you are near the maximum space capacity, you should increase your DASD specifications so that the next VSAM REORG 'DEFINE' of the cluster reflects the new DASD specifications/requirements for the VSAM file.
Sample JCL members for TPX VSAM file backup (VBACKUP/LSBACKUP*), file restore from file backup (VRESTORE/LSRESTOR*) and cluster definition (VADMIN1/VADMIN2/VMAIL/VNOTES/VVIEW) can be found in the CB0VJCL library from the TPX product tape (please also refer to member $INDEX for a list and definition of subsequent members provided in this library).
* NOTE: refer to these members if your TPX VSAM files are managed by CA LSERV.
Maintenance to the TPX VSAM files, including running the batch Reset Integrity (BATCHINI), should be done while TPX is INACTIVE.
We also recommend that you run the TPX Batch Reset Integrity process (see hilvl.CB0VSRC(BATCHINI) for sample JCL) after any TPX VSAM file REORG/restore process, but prior to starting TPX.
Refer to TPX Knowledge documents entitled, "What causes VSAM integrity errors", for more information on the batch Reset Integrity process.