Object level actions available at sub-object level
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Object level actions available at sub-object level


Article ID: 273579


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise



When we enable the 'Enable Properties Navigation' for the sub-object (change request) in the parent object blueprint, then all the actions of the main object is visible on the sub-object level although the business rules to display the actions are not met and they are not visible at the parent object level.

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Login Clarity Classic UI and Create a simple object based process with just a system action
  2. Validate the porcess
  3. Navigate to New UI and access Administration -> Blueprints
  4. Create a copy of blueprint 'Initiative'
  5. Open the blueprint in edit mode and navigate to actions tab
  6. Click on 'Add Process' button and select the process created in step 1
  7. Navigate to Rules tab and click on 'New Rule' button
  8. Provide the value for field Rule Name
  9. Under conditions section click on Add Filter and select any field to create a condition (example Work Status = Cancelled)
  10. Under Action section select Hide Action and select the action name created in step 6 and save
  11. Navigate to Modules and configure the 'Changes' module
  12. Under Configure Changes section 'Enable Properties Navigation'
  13. Publish the blueprint
  14. Now navigate to Investments in New UI and select Initiative
  15. Configure the Blueprint and Workstatus columns in the Grid layout
  16. Create an instance of initiative and map with blueprint published above in step 13
  17. Select the Work Status value as ancelled'
  18. Open the initiative and create an instance of Change request in Changes tab
  19. Navigate to properties tab on the initiative and the Action created in Step 6 is not visible as the initiavite's Work Status=cancelled which mets the business rule created on the blueprint in step 9
  20. Now navigate to Changes tab and open the change request

Expected Results: The action created in Step 6 is not visible under Actions
Actual Results: The action created in Step 6 is visible under Actions and when clicked on the action it gives an error 'GA-002 : Invalid Value for 'objectCode' in the request'.




Due to DE77579


Engineering is reviewing the DE77579