This SQL query can be used to verify that computers are only in one Software Update Plug-in Policy. If a computer exists in more than one policy it can cause unexpected results.
ITMS 8.x
Copy and paste the following SQL query into SQL Management Studio and execute it. The SQL is also attached to this article.
---------------------------------------- Summary SQL ----------------------------------------
if exists ((
select COUNT (ic.Guid)
from ItemClass ic
join ItemActive ia on ia.Guid = ic.Guid
join ItemAppliesTo iat on iat.ItemGuid = ia.Guid
where ClassGuid = '5E5BDE22-C290-4A94-A36C-C5076DA6D565'
and ia.Enabled = 1
having COUNT (ic.Guid) > 1))
select count (distinct rtcc.ResourceGuid) 'Count of computers in two or more Software Update Agent Configuration Policies'
from Item i
join ItemClass ic on ic.Guid = i.Guid
join ItemActive ia on ia.Guid = i.Guid
join ItemAppliesTo iat on iat.ItemGuid = i.Guid
join ResourceTargetMembershipCache rtcc on rtcc.ResourceTargetGuid = iat.ResourceTargetGuid
where ia.Enabled = 1
and ic.ClassGuid in ('5E5BDE22-C290-4A94-A36C-C5076DA6D565')--Altiris.PatchManagementCore.Policies.PatchAgentPolicy
group by rtcc.ResourceTargetGuid
having COUNT (distinct i.Guid) > 1
---------------------------------------- Details SQL ----------------------------------------
if exists ((
select COUNT (ic.Guid)
from ItemClass ic
join ItemActive ia on ia.Guid = ic.Guid
join ItemAppliesTo iat on iat.ItemGuid = ia.Guid
where ClassGuid = '5E5BDE22-C290-4A94-A36C-C5076DA6D565'
and ia.Enabled = 1
having COUNT (ic.Guid) > 1))
select distinct vc.Name as 'Computer Name', count (ia.Guid) 'Number of policies'
from ItemActive ia
join ItemAppliesTo iat on iat.ItemGuid = ia.Guid
join ResourceTargetMembershipCache rtcc on rtcc.ResourceTargetGuid = iat.ResourceTargetGuid
join vRM_Computer_Item vc on vc.Guid = rtcc.ResourceGuid
where ia.Enabled = 1
ia.Guid in (select Guid from ItemClass where ClassGuid = '5E5BDE22-C290-4A94-A36C-C5076DA6D565')--Altiris.PatchManagementCore.Policies.PatchAgentPolicy
group by vc.Name
having COUNT (distinct ia.Guid) > 1