Stabilization Announcement for Dispatch
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Stabilization Announcement for Dispatch


Article ID: 273527


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Dispatch Output Mgmt Dispatch Output Mgmt


We heard that Broadcom announced a stabilization date for releases 11.6 and 11.7 of Dispatch however we are having a difficult time trying to find the official announcement.


Dispatch, 11.6, 11.7, z/OS


Customers unable to find/locate official stabilization announcement for Dispatch.


Notification Id: 20290
Initial Publication Date: 2/2/22
Product: Dispatch
To:          Dispatch Customers
From:     Broadcom’s Dispatch Product Team

Subject: Stabilization Announcement for Dispatch

CA Technologies, a Broadcom company (“Broadcom”), is continually working to improve our software and services to best meet the needs of our customers. As part of our regular product planning cycle, we have reviewed the position of Dispatch in the marketplace, from both a sales and technology perspective and have determined that while this product still provides useful functions to some customers, its value to most customers and prospective customers in the market has declined significantly over the past few years. Therefore, we have decided to stabilize versions 11.7 and 11.6 of Dispatch.

Functionally stabilizing a product means there will be no new Versions, no new Releases, or further enhancements to this product.  However, maintenance and support for this product will continue in accordance with your active maintenance contract for Dispatch.

Broadcom offers View / Deliver as a replacement product. View / Deliver is part of Broadcom's output management suite of products and provides many of the same and more features currently available in Dispatch. We encourage you to migrate to View / Deliver as soon as possible so that you can fully use the features, functionalities, and enhancements that this new product has to offer. For information about View / Deliver, read the white paper.

Broadcom would like to make your migration from Dispatch to View/Deliver as straightforward as possible, so we offer the following assistance:

The latest supported Version/Release of View/Deliver, as long as you have an active maintenance contract for Dispatch.
When you are going to migrate, we strongly advise you to reach out to our Technical Consulting Services organization to lead the migration. Our Services aim to provide an efficient, with little to no cost, means to perform the analysis of your current Dispatch system. We will develop a View/Deliver configuration plan, a migration strategy, perform knowledge transfer, and lead the actual migration, using our proven 2 phase approach. This will take you all the way through production to cut over. This services based approach aims to make the migration quickly and with confidence of risk mitigation. For more information, visit Services.  Also, speak with your Mainframe Business Specialist (MBS) if one is assigned to your account.

Your success is very important to us, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with you.

Additional Information

Direct link to Dispatch Stabilization Announcement on the Support Portal