Created Status Report Draft Has Blank Fields If Clicking Or Navigating Away From Status Module
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Created Status Report Draft Has Blank Fields If Clicking Or Navigating Away From Status Module


Article ID: 273516


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Steps To Reproduce
1. Create a project > Status  > Status Report 
2. Set it as 'Final'
3. Navigate away and then back to  the Status module
4. Observe the created copy in the 'Draft' status.
Expected:  The latest copy should have fields populated.

Actual: The fields  (Schedule Status, Scope Status, Cost and Effort Status, Status Report Update, et cetera)
are blank/null 



Release : 16.1.2


This is not reproducible in 16.1.3.

As a workaround, do not click away from the 'Status' module.
1. On a report status in 'Draft', click Preview and then click Publish
2. The auto-created status report status = 'Draft' and retains the values