End users Login to jasper do not see their repository by default
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End users Login to jasper do not see their repository by default


Article ID: 273483


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


When user logs into Jaspersoft they should see their repository by default after login.


Service Desk Manager 17.3
Jasper Server 8.1.1


If you have to completely hide the folder then you have to give restrict permission on the ROLE_USER as "Execute only".

Then, the complete folder will be hidden from the repository section of Jasperserver.

If you still see a report in the library section from the folder that you hide, you can check the permission on the report and then change permission on the report to execute only (For example on the public folder).

Have sample databases and provide some sample resources into the JRS which are also present in the organizations\organizations_1\

We can't hide organizations\organizations_1 from the users, as we want to show to the user. If any subfolder you want to hide from the end user then you can change the permission of ROLE_USER on the folder to "Execute only".

If you don't want to hide the folder directly you have to change the permission for the ROLE_USER on the resource directly to "Execute only", You can refer to the path of the path by hovering over the resource from the library section of the JRS

It is suggested not to change permission to " NO Access" which may lead to unnecessary issues and more trouble than hiding the resource from the library so stick to "Execute permission".

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