An adjustment timesheet removed hours from a task.
Although the posting jobs completed through the financial module, the assignment page still shows a value for the actual cost.
On either the Classic > Project > Task > Assignments or Modern Project > Assignments page
the actual units are removed but not the actual cost.
It should be 0.00.
Why does it still show the actual cost?
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Set matrix with following $ rates
Transclass1 = 100
Transclass2 = 10
2. Make sure run rate matrix extraction to pick up the cost for transclass1
3. Post timesheet with resource having transclass 1 for 1 hour
4. Post through to WIP
Assignment and WIP show quantity = 1, cost = 100
Change Resource's transclass to transclass2
Run rate matrix extraction extraction
Adjust the timesheet and zero out the original hours and add another project/task to move the hours to
Post timesheet
Post through to wip
Actual: Assignments and WIP show Quantity = 0, Cost = 90 (100-10)
Expected: Assignments should also cost = 0.
Release: Any
Given an example above, to fix the issue, the original transaction needs to be brought back to 90
1) Create a new transaction with Transclass2
Quantity = 1, Cost = 10
2) Post to WIP and Import Back
- now the cost will increase back to 100
3) Create new transaction to remove the quantity and the cost from the original transaction (Transclass1)
Quantity = -1
Cost = 100
Post to WIP and import back to assignments
Cost and quantity should now be 0 in WIP and on the assignment