xog ignores Auto Numbering
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xog ignores Auto Numbering


Article ID: 273428


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Clarity PPM SaaS


You are using a custom attribute on a stock object like project and auto numbering is enabled for the custom attribute.

In your GEL script, you are doing the following:

  1. Check the next number (00410) and use that number to create a project using XOG.  This works and the custom attribute has that value.
  2. However, the next number in project object does not change until you create a new project using PPM UI.
  3. You create a new project using PPM UI and PPM uses the same ID (00410) in the new project.




Release : 16.1.2, 16.1.3


This has been a limitation in clarity xog for some time.
Here is one idea for a workaround.
In the GEL, you may do something like this.  The example below is using Postgresql.
1- Get the next number in the sequence like you are doing now
2- Append a random string to the number.
For example

-- where 123456 is the next sequence number from step 1


concat ((string_agg(substr(characters, (random() * length(characters) + 1)::integer, 1), '')), 123456) as auto_generated_attribute

from (values('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')) as symbols(characters)

-- length of word

join generate_series(1, 7) on 1 = 1

-- result TPXYJFP123456

3- Use the result to pass in your xog for the request id.


The request id would be different, but it would never be reused for those created from xog.