Unable to login in Developer Portal after database migration
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Unable to login in Developer Portal after database migration


Article ID: 273402


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CA API Developer Portal


Unable to login in Developer Portal after migrating Portal data from PostgresSQL to MySQL.

Error from Authenticator container.

system-portal.log] [2023-09-12 10:10:49,295] [ERROR] [c.c.a.e.AuthenticatorExceptionsHandler] [qtp397071633-90] [6beca9108a92c85673542ca049cc8f8b|a9d6bf4e5e9968e9] [||Layer7-SecureSpan-Gateway/v9.4.00-b9807|] An error has occured:

com.ca.apim.exception.AuthServerExceptions: Active User with the given UUID and tenantId does not exist


API Developer Portal 5.0


Connect to MySQL database and run the following query to check if this "USER_ORG_ROLE_VIEW" table is NOT empty.

mysql> select * from portal.USER_ORG_ROLE\G;

If the above table is empty, look for errors in the migration.log file and then try performing Portal data migration from PostgresSQL to MySQL again.