Disabling APPLY CURRENCY PRECISION FOR RATE/COST is ignored when doing FX calculations
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Disabling APPLY CURRENCY PRECISION FOR RATE/COST is ignored when doing FX calculations


Article ID: 273260


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS



Disabling APPLY CURRENCY PRECISION FOR RATE/COST is ignored when doing FX calculations

Steps to Reproduce: 
1- Define a Currency (or validate it exists) by querying
cmn_currencies table.
select id,currency_code, is_eu_currency, currency_precision, display_precision  
from cmn_currencies cc where currency_code = 'KZT'
Currency Code: KZT
Is_eu_currency: 0
currency_precision: 2
display_precision: 2

2- Define an Exchange Rate from KZT to USD
Administration > Finance > Setup > Exchange Rates
Create new Exchange Rate:

From Currency:   KZT 
To Currency:     USD
Conversion Rate: 0.002202
Rate Calculation Method:  Multiply
Exchange Rate Type:  Average
Effective Date:  7/1/2023

3- Home > Financial Mgmt > Transaction Entry
Create a new Voucher
Under the Voucher create a new Transaction
Transaction Date: 7/2/2023
Investment ID: PRJ0001 (planning currency is USD)
Task:  Select a task
Select a Charge Code, Resource ID, Transaction Class, Input Type Code
Quantity:   1
Cost:         0.25  KZT
Rate:        1      KZT

4- Post To WIP

5- Query ppa_wip_values table

select price, rate_exchange_rate,totalcost,*  from ppa_wip_values pwv where 
transno = 5000001 and 
currency_type in ('BILLING','HOME','REPORTING')

Price: 0.25
Rate Exchange Rate:  0.002202
totalcost:    0


Expected Results: Result is NOT rounded based on currency precision

Actual Results:  Result is rounded based on currency precision, there should not be any rounding

Update cmn_currencies set currency_precision = 6, display_precision = 6 where currency_code = 'USD';



Release : 16.1.3


Reported as  DE77525 and resolved in 16.2.1