Issue with JIRA and Rally Value Mapping for Rally Parent field in ConnectALL
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Issue with JIRA and Rally Value Mapping for Rally Parent field in ConnectALL


Article ID: 273240


Updated On: 07-17-2024




While setting up the use case to sync the artifacts from Jira to Rally, Component/s from JIRA is to be mapped with the Parent field in Rally. To pass some constant values for Parent, used Advanced Value Mapping like below but was getting error.

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create an automation between Jira and Rally
  2. Map Jira Component/s with Rally Parent field and do the value mappings as needed.
  3. Run the automation.


Expected Results: 

Sync should work fine.


Actual Results:

Sync fails with error below which require correction in the configuration for Component/s - Parent field.

] ' due to the error java.lang.Exception: Cannot parse object reference from "" for Input , 


Release :


The issue is because of the invalid data format being passed.


Using the Advance Value Mapping like the below format should solve the issue. The number below is Object Id of the Rally Parent ticket.