MUX Timesheet Review & Approve tab slow with instance level rights
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MUX Timesheet Review & Approve tab slow with instance level rights


Article ID: 273232


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Expanding the timesheets to approve on the MUX review & Approve tab is slow when the user has got instance-level access rights

SUMMARY. Expanding the timesheets to approve on the MUX review & Approve tab is slow when the user has got instance-level access rights.


1. On a large dataset log in as a resource that has got timesheet approval instance level rights :
2. Go to Modern UX Timesheets
3. Go to the Review & Approve module
   You will see a number next to timesheet status bars on the current period
   Example: 15 timesheets open waiting for approval and 1 posted
4. Click on the Open timesheet status bar to expand the list of Open timesheets

Expected Results:  The list of open timesheets expands on a reasonable time
Actual Results: It can take up to 25, 30 seconds to expand them.


Clarity PPM 16.X


This is caused by DE70785


This is fixed in 16.1.3

Workaround to lower releases: Use the timesheet grid instead to access the timesheets that require your review and approval