Cloud SWG on Network Error exception page company logo image is distorted
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Cloud SWG on Network Error exception page company logo image is distorted


Article ID: 273216


Updated On:


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Customer admin has customize Cloud SWG exception page with its own company logo.

Company logo is distorted when user get Network Error exception page for different network related errors (i.e. dns_unresolved_hostname, dns_Server_failure, tcp_error, gateway_error, etc...), refer to the following snapshots

 For Access Denied exception page company logo is proper, refer to the following snapshot


Cloud SWG


If uploaded company logo image dimensions are more than max file dimensions (i.e. 210 x 60 pixels) then users will see this issue. See the snapshot mentioned below,


To resolve this issue please follow the steps mentioned below

1. Make sure that company logo image file dimensions are not more than max file dimensions (i.e. 210 x 60 pixels).
2. In Cloud SWG portal navigate to Policy > Response Pages > Standard > Company Logo > Click on change... then you'll get Upload Error Logo pop-up window
3. Click Browse... and upload modified company logo image file then Click Save make sure to Click Save on top right corner as well.