How can we monitor the access log of IM?
Is it possible to Audit Operator Console login attempts in the Infrastructure Manager (IM)?
All attempts to log into the IM are logged in the hub.log.
(Active monitoring of the login activty can be achieved using the logmon probe)
Tested on UIM 20.4 OC CU8: hub.log from primary hub (log level 3):
NOTE: In the example below LDAP Authentication is enabled, therefore the HUB will always try to first log to the AD server. The login fails to the AD. After this, the user is searched in the real Nimbus users.
The hub IP address calls the HUB and requests the authentication of the nimbus user. It is interesting to note that the log shows the IP of the host where the Infrastructure Manager is located (<IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_INFRASTRUCTURE_MANAGER_USED_TO_LOG_IN>)
Sep 8 11:14:13:021 [32208] 2 hub: login from ctrl <IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_PRIMARY_HUB>/63635
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: expand_vars Size=666
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: host PDS_PCH 14 xxxxx
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: base PDS_PCH 17 DC=xxxxx,DC=com
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: user_base PDS_PCH 17 DC=xxxxx,DC=com
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: domain PDS_PCH 11
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_grp_name PDS_PCH 5 name
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_grp_member_name PDS_PCH 7 member
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_firstname PDS_PCH 10 givenName
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_lastname PDS_PCH 3 sn
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_mail PDS_PCH 5 mail
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_www PDS_PCH 12 wWWHomePage
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_phone PDS_PCH 16 telephoneNumber
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_cellphone PDS_PCH 7 mobile
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_office PDS_PCH 27 physicalDeliveryOfficeName
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_company PDS_PCH 8 company
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_title PDS_PCH 6 title
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_department PDS_PCH 11 department
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_description PDS_PCH 12 description
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_restrict_view PDS_PCH 25 restrictViewToUserAssets
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_name PDS_PCH 12 displayName
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_id PDS_PCH 18 userPrincipalName
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: attr_usr_member_of PDS_PCH 9 memberOf
Sep 8 11:14:13:024 [32208] 3 hub: (nim_ldap_get_connection): successful contact with LDAP server 'xxxxxxx', secure=0
Sep 8 11:14:13:026 [32208] 0 hub: (nim_ldap_query) ldap_search_ext_s(base:=DC=xxxxx,DC=com scope:=LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE filter:=(|($userPrincipalName=<NimBUSuser><NimBUSuser> attrs:=userPrincipalName, memberOf, name
Sep 8 11:14:13:027 [32208] 3 hub: (nim_ldap_query) ldap_search_ext_s: LDAP_SUCCESS
Sep 8 11:14:13:027 [32208] 3 hub: (nim_ldap_query) entries count:= 0, paging results:=no
Sep 8 11:14:13:027 [32208] 3 hub: login [LDAP] - basic login took 5 ms
Sep 8 11:14:13:027 [32208] 0 hub: login [LDAP] - (logon_user) 0 user found for (|($userPrincipalName=<NimBUSuser><NimBUSuser>, do not know which to use.
Sep 8 11:14:13:270 [49344] 3 hub: Received heartbeat on queue route 'qosremote'
Sep 8 11:14:13:270 [49344] 3 hub: Received heartbeat on queue route 'probe_discovery_get'
Sep 8 11:14:13:285 [32208] 3 hub: login [NimBUS] - success for user=<NimBUSuser> ip=<IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_INFRASTRUCTURE_MANAGER_USED_TO_LOG_IN>
Sep 8 11:14:13:285 [32208] 1 hub: login - user=<NimBUSuser> permissions=super ip=<IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_INFRASTRUCTURE_MANAGER_USED_TO_LOG_IN>
Sep 8 11:14:13:285 [32208] 1 hub: Login: succeeded for <NimBUSuser>, ip = <IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_INFRASTRUCTURE_MANAGER_USED_TO_LOG_IN>