What is the Product ID/product code of the Enforce or Detection server installs?
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What is the Product ID/product code of the Enforce or Detection server installs?


Article ID: 273201


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Core Package Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You'd like to learn what is the product ID/product code of the Enforce or Detection servers installs. This article provides this information and covers only the versions currently supported.


Please note that only major releases have an individual product codes. Maintenance Packs are considered patches and do not change the product code and thus are not listed. The product code will only change with a major upgrade, for example from 15.8 to 16.0


Release : 15.8 or later


Version Enforce server Detection server
DLP 16.0 GA {AC46B410-0E62-4BA9-B7AF-AC82528023E7} {1CF9E23D-7EA8-47AA-A4E3-1161DA10F009}
DLP 16.0 RU1 (16.0.1) {ED75421A-E63F-4269-9226-21C2FE473D2B} {7A2538AC-AB6E-4056-9401-A19B2791EA7E}
DLP 15.8 GA {1F2551B3-4614-420A-846C-7CC40D5C7844} {3E264B15-0B29-4E35-8819-DD72B87E1A59}