Capturing data is useful for troubleshooting issues with agents
Unix/Linux/Mac endpoints
Open a terminal window on the system
Run these commands:
Note: You may need to use sudo with these commands, such as sudo <command from list below>
aex-helper list all -f > /tmp/
aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_level DEVNOTE
aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_file_size 0
aex-helper agent -s "Event Queue" backup_dir /tmp
aex-helper agent restart
rm /opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/var/*log*
Collect files and send the following files
/opt/altiris/notification/inventory/var/log/<datetime>.log, if any exist.
Restore default configuration and restart the agent
aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_level ERROR
aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_file_size 1024
aex-helper agent -s "Event Queue" backup_dir ""
aex-helper agent restart