Capture the Source Directory of File for Uploads, Copy/Paste, Print, etc. in DLP Endpoint
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Capture the Source Directory of File for Uploads, Copy/Paste, Print, etc. in DLP Endpoint


Article ID: 273157


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention


We are requesting that the Broadcom DLP agent detect the source file directory (and destination directory where applicable).
It looks like this is only captured today for removable media.
We are requesting that the agent capture and display this information in the Enforce console, so we have more information from a security perspective on where the file is coming from. 

When the incidents, the only incidents with this information are removable media, but the columns exist when exporting incidents into a CSV file. 


A feature request has been created to "Add source file path and destination path to all DLP Endpoint incident types".

If you want to be added to this request, open a ticket with Support and provide this KB number.