How to configure Portal to send Account Activation email containing the activation link with API Hub Domain instead of Portal Domain?
Release : 5.1.2
Go to Portal API and from Portal API for App, select "Settings" Api.
Select PUT method and provide these values.
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From Settings >> GET Method with input = APIHUB_USER_ACTIVATION_NAME, should return below.
{ "CreateTs": "1693475536222", "TenantId": "tenant01", "Uuid": "0a382ac8-0ffc-4561-8d1e-8f326e5b598e", "ModifyTs": "1693475536222", "CreatedBy": "System", "Value": "VALUE_OF_SETTING", "__metadata": { "uri": "http://<tenantName.Portal_domain>:8080/portal-data/Portal.svc/Settings('APIHUB_USER_ACTIVATION_NAME')" }, "ModifiedBy": "Portal API", "Name": "APIHUB_USER_ACTIVATION_NAME"}
Now we have successfully enabled APIHUB_USER_ACTIVATION_NAME settings in your Portal.
Try creating a new org user (orgpub or developer) from Portal >> Users, the activation link should contain API Hub Domain.