Mismatch of Resource Availability and Allocation in Staffing
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Mismatch of Resource Availability and Allocation in Staffing


Article ID: 273101


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The MUX staffing allocations are not matching for the Resource availability and Allocation by resource section.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • Login to MUX and Navigate to Staffing --> Allocation Timeline 
  • On the Allocation by Resource filter on a resource and ensure resource has more then 25 investments allocated 
  • Click on the allocation attribute to update the allocation for any period 
  • Once updated review the Total at the bottom of the screen and the total allocation of each investment vs total is not matching, similar behavior can be seen in the Resource Availability

Expected Result: The totals and adding up allocation for all investment should match 

Actual Result: The totals and adding up allocation for all investment was not matching



Release : 16.1.1


This problem is no longer reproduced in 16.1.3 and also there has been improvements made in staffing in 16.1.3 and now there are individual tabs for Allocation by Investment, Allocation by Resource, Assignment by Investment and Assignment by Resource