Using PAM SC distributions with unsupported kernels
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Using PAM SC distributions with unsupported kernels


Article ID: 273096


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC)


Sometimes it may occur that a given OS version is supported as per the PAM SC Solutions and Patches page

but nonetheless the specific kernel version that the system is running with for a given OS version does not match any of the certified kernel versions appearing in the matrix for that given OS and version

For instance, one may want to install PAM SC on RHEL 7.9 with Kernel version 4.15.35-2025.402.2.1.el7uek.x86_64 but in the matrix the certified kernel version for Redhat 7.9 is 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64.

In this particular case the question arises whether it is necessary to certify the OS for the specific version and kernel version one is trying to install of if it is possible to install another version of the product which will work with this version, even if it is not showing as such in the solutions matrix


PAM SC and PIM all versions


According to the certification group, if the customer minimum kernel version is low and the supported kernel version is higher then one can go ahead with the installation as it it works most of the time (backward compatible). In the opposite case, that is, the customer installed version is higher than the supported ones, then certification is required