Issue in Audit records
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Issue in Audit records


Article ID: 273045


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Login To Clarity PPM Classic UI.
2. Ensure that you have the demo data set installed and that you have OBS structure defined and mapped to Project Object.
3. Navigate to Administration -> Studio -> Project Object -> Audit tab. 
4. Enabled Audit for the OBS attribute.
5. Navigate to Home -> Projects. Select a Project and modify the OBS to a different value and save.
6. Navigate to Administration -> Data Administration -> Audit Trail and filter for Project object and date.

Expected Results :- Only a Single row is visible when we filter.
Actual Results :- Two rows are displayed, one row has no data and the other one captures correct data.


Release : 16.1.3


This is reported as DE77485 and is under engineering review.