You are currently trying to renew certificate for dlp web console, and have used the following documentation:
Howeer, you were unable to correctly apply the command:
<DRIVE>:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJRE\jdk8u<version>-jre\bin\
keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 720
-dname "CN=
.keystore -storepass XXXXXXXX
You need more information to determine what is referred to as the <IPAddress> - i.e., is that the DNS IP or Server IP?
You also have questions about the "DNS:<FQDN>" setting - i.e., is that DNS FQDN or Server FQDN?
Release : 16.0
Configuration issue in terms of the certificate on the environment.
One example for the Enforce Server console and Enforce Server FQDN is "" and it's IP is <>.
To clarify, using an example the dlp app is on an asset <> and IP <>
the command to be implemented becomes:
<DRIVE>:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJRE\jdk8u<version>-jre\bin\keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 720 -dname "CN=dlp, OU=DLP, O=EXAMPLE, L=Cupertino, ST=California, C=US" -ext SAN=DNS:dlp,,,IP: -keystore E:\EnforceCert\.keystore -storepass xxxxxxxx
Additional confirmation of which Dname to supply may need to be obtained from IT teams who work with your server environment.