You may be interested in knowing what all parameters/values that are written to DSA's connect log, if configured. Please keep in mind, connect log is not defined out of the box when a DSA is created.
Unfortunately, not every log (there are ~14 logs per DSA that can be configured) description on each and every thing that get written to it, is available. If that is what you are after, it will be a product documentation enhancement request.
What we do provided is detailed information on each column of stats log which can be useful depending what you are looking for. See 'Additional Information' section below.
See under section of "Statistics Tracing" at:
Release : 14.1
As far as connect log goes, it is kind of self-explanatory.
Here is an example from a connect log with some connection activities that basically shows things such as:
<<snippet from sample democorp_connect_20233031.log>>
[252] 20230831.102942.684 CONN #000 (none) ANON
[200] 20230831.103013.607 DISC #000 (none) 31 sec 15 kbytes 23 ops 0 cpu
[100] 20230831.125051.112 CONN #111 (none) ANON
[196] 20230831.125051.115 DISC #111 (none) 0 sec 0 kbytes 2 ops 0 cpu
[48] 20230831.141755.774 CONN #222 "cn=<UserName>,ou=Administration,ou=Corporate,o=democorp,c=au" PASS
[140] 20230831.141805.493 DISC #222 "cn=<UserName>,ou=Administration,ou=Corporate,o=democorp,c=au" 10 sec 0 kbytes 3 ops 0 cpu
[156] 20230831.141928.734 CONN #333 "cn=<UserName>,ou=Administration,ou=Corporate,o=democorp,c=au" PASS(SSL: TLSv1.2)
[248] 20230831.141943.660 DISC #333 "cn=<UserName>,ou=Administration,ou=Corporate,o=democorp,c=au" 15 sec 0 kbytes 3 ops 0 cpu
See under section of "Statistics Tracing" at: