Role certification goes to AD1\EAdmin instead of Role Owner
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Role certification goes to AD1\EAdmin instead of Role Owner


Article ID: 273009


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CA Identity Suite


We are running on VApp Identity Suite ver 14.4.1. We are using universe with a Generic Feed connector.

We import users, roles and resources using CSV files, and is 'owner' column in roles CSV file to be populated with user names.

We than generate role certification campaign from the universe with Generic Feed.

If  'owner' column in roles file is populated with user names then role owners become reviewers, which is correct.

However, if we import roles file where 'owner' column has blank values, and then do a second import to update role owners from a file with populated user names, and after that create a campaign, the only reviewer is AD1\EAdmin user, which is incorrect.


Release : 14.4



  • set the property 'raci.sync.override.accountable.roles' to true in the Administration > Settings > Property Settings
  • Enable 'Synchronize permissions and RACI configurations' under Universe > Connectivity > Import Flow Properties when creating a universe
  • Do imports and create a certification again