API-1007 Permission error when Resource Manager tries to adjust resource's timesheet
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API-1007 Permission error when Resource Manager tries to adjust resource's timesheet


Article ID: 273008


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Permission error when Resource Manager tries to adjust resource's timesheet

1. Login to Clarity and create a user 'Timeuser'
2. For the above user, OTE and Trackmode to PPM
3. Login as another user 'Timemanager' 
4. Make sure Timemanager doesnt have OTE and trackmode is not PPM
5. Navigate to Administration - resources - Timemamanager
6. In the Instance rights, resource enter time and approve time for user Timeuser and TImesheet navigate global rights.
7. Login as Timemanager user and navigate to MUX - timesheet
8. Filter for Timeuser under TImesheet tab and click on Enter Time
9. Enter timesheet hours and click Submit
Expected and Actual: Timemanager is able to enter and submit time for user Timeuser
9. Approve the submitted timesheet performed in step 9
Expected and Actual: Timemanager is able to approve time
10. Run the Post Timesheet job and make sure the above approved time is in Posted Status
11. While still logged in as Timemanager, click on Adjust timesheet 
Expected: The Timesheet is adjusted because Timemanager was able to submit and approve the timesheet
Actual: Permission error is thrown by the system
API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights. 

Grant Resource Time Entry access to the Timemanager user


Release : 16.1.2


DE77478 - Currently being reviewed by Engineering