Missing dependencies for dark network Ubuntu client while installing Endpoint Protection agent
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Missing dependencies for dark network Ubuntu client while installing Endpoint Protection agent


Article ID: 273005


Updated On:


Endpoint Security Complete Endpoint Protection Endpoint Security


Below error message observed while installing Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) agent on dark network Ubuntu client.



Installing packages:

08/20/23 01:29:18:  Package                                  Version         Source

08/20/23 01:29:18:  ---------------------------------------- --------------- ------

08/20/23 01:29:18:  sdcss-caf-       (file)

 sdcss-      (file)

 sdcss-kmod-     (file)

08/20/23 01:29:18: installDependency: Check/Install dependencies...

08/20/23 01:29:18: installDependency: Missing dependent libelf-dev on ubuntu18

08/20/23 01:29:18: installDependency: Missing dependent zip on ubuntu18

08/20/23 01:29:53: installDependency: apt update output Err:1 https://packages.microsoft.com/ubuntu/18.04/prod bionic InRelease

  Could not connect to packages.microsoft.com:443 (*.*.*.*), connection timed out

Err:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease

  Cannot initiate the connection to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (*:*:*:*::*). - connect (101: Network is unreachable)



SEP installation cannot be progressed until missing dependencies are installed.


OS: Ubuntu

SEP Version: 14.3.*


Kindly search dependent packages for old and new Ubuntu releases from below repository.







Download required dependencies and copy it to affected Ubuntu client.

Execute below command to install package.



sudo dpkg -i "path/to/file.deb"

Ref: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man1/dpkg.1.html



Continue SEP installation post package is installed successfully.