Hierarchies: Investment Hard allocation values get doubled
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Hierarchies: Investment Hard allocation values get doubled


Article ID: 273001


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Investment Hard allocation values get doubled after running the 'Updated Investment Allocations and Usage' job. The 'Hard Allocation' amount is shown as 'doubled' in the regular Investments workspace grids and also on the Hierarchy grids. 


1. Create a project or any kind of investment
2. Add a Staff member and add some allocation and hard allocation values to the team entry
   Let say 10 hours of allocation and 10 hours more of hard allocation
3. Go to Hierarchies and create one.
4. Add the investment above to the hierarchy
5. Run the 'Update Investment Allocations and Usage' job
6. Look at the allocation and hard allocation values for the investment 
7. Look and compare the Hierarchy Investments Module values to the Projects Grid and compare to inside the Project Staff Module (showing the Totals Row) 
The Project Staff Module 'Totals' are correct.  However, the rollup to the Investment level is NOT correct. 

Expected Results: Allocation and Hard Allocation values to match the totals seen inside the Investment Staff Module. 
Actual Results: Allocation figure matches. The Hard allocation value is doubled


This is caused by DE77467


This is fixed in 16.2.0

Workaround: Run the 'Time Slicing Sync' job to force a new update to the investment.