Cloudsoc Protect Policies, has a sub feature called "Response Template", One of the features of this template, is the ability to customize the response message to the end user.
When configured, the customized message configured under the browser does not take effect and the browser continue to display the default block/deny message.
here is an example, where the Cloud SWG (WSS) agent shows the custom message while the browser does not:
The "response Template" used is:
When it matches, the custom message shows on the notification message of the Cloud SWG agent , but not on the browser:
This is a known limitation where the custom message now is being directed to the WSS Agent custom message instead of the browser.
This is a known issue. Even though the section is labeled as "browser" but in reality the message is being directed to Cloud SWG (WSS).
The fix is in the roadmap and the plan is to fix it in the next quarter.