Not able to extract the SID of SAP System from the Connection object from the OH table
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Not able to extract the SID of SAP System from the Connection object from the OH table


Article ID: 272937


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


The SID of the SAP system is not located in the OH table.


Component: CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine

Release : 21.0.x


The SID of the SAP System defined in the Connection object is in the column OCV_VName of the table OCV.  If the SID of the Connection object VMSAP is needed, please use the query below.
select OCV_Value from OCV where OCV_VName='rfcSystem_name' and OCV_OH_Idnr IN (select OH_Idnr from OH where OH_Name='VMSAP ')