In classic UI when Export to CSV not all data is written to the CSV file.
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In classic UI when Export to CSV not all data is written to the CSV file.


Article ID: 272896


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


In the Clarity classic UI, when exporting the contents of a portlet (e.g. Project List)  to a CSV file (Gear icon-> Export to CSV), the resulting export file stops at some point without exporting all of the content.


Release : 16.1.2


The cause, in this case, was that some Boolean attributes in the data being exported had a NULL value rather than the expected 1/0 (True/False). The export stops at the point of the first Boolean attribute that has a NULL value.


Correct the Boolean value in the data being exported so that it has the expected 1/0 (True/False) value. Once this was done the Export to CSV advanced as expected.